Research: Thermal Ecology meets Landscape Ecology
A record of the meditations, murmurs, and misadventures of Nature Dave in his pursuit of ecological knowledge.
Despite hundreds of years of observational, experimental, and (more recently) computational work, we still have much to learn about our environment on Earth. To uncover and disseminate this endless knowledge is critical given the state of anthropogenic global change, as the immense biodiversity and undomesticated landscapes that are the source of natural beauty are imperiled. This website serves to record the endeavors of Dave Klinges on fulfilling these missions.

Furthering knowledge of natural systems requires integrative research that combines field observations, experiments, models, and simulation. My research leverages cutting-edge modeling tools, remote sensing methods, and big data to develop and test ecological and geographical hypotheses.
View Research Program
External Collaborations
Projects co-led with partners in research and conservation
Tropical Sustainability
Contributing to conservation and research in Madagascar and the Peruvian Amazon
Interactive Mapping
A front-end for accessing a global database of coastal carbon data
Ecological Forecasting
Near-term, iterative forecasting for conservation and management application.
Ongoing research leveraging the SoilTemp global database of soil and near-surface temperatures
Scheffers Lab
Exploring global change ecology across scales and systems
Conservation Multimedia
Filmmaking and production for environmental non-profits
Networking Climate Data
Improving microclimate sensing through IoT sensors that wirelessly log and transfer information at a low cost
UAV Piloting
Drone applications for mapping of terrestrial and coastal systems
If research is the eyes of the scientific community, outreach is its voice: positive change requires proper communication and motivation.
One form of conveying the importance of conservation work is through film and photo. See the gallery for some of Nature Dave’s work developing multimedia products to share some of the amazing wildlife and scenes he’s experienced.
View GalleryOngoing Events: Blog
A handful of updates on what’s been going on
Cups Of Coffee0
Articles Written0
Projects Completed0
Combined Projects